Humanistic Reflections on Medicine

Humanistic Reflections on Medicine, Philosophy of Medicine (The Journal of the Korean Association for Philosophy of Medicine) Nr.1(2006) pp.1-15, in Korean

I propose that the actual communication between the medicine and philosophy has to be necessary. In this article, I explicate the account of how medical educations come to (1) understand an introspection on human and (2) reflect a synthetical view of our society. It is my first process to recognize the crucial difference between the concept of explanation and the meaning of understanding. It attempts to overcome this difference, on the one hand by taking into account the body as the object of explanations, and on the other hand by embedding the body into an social living of organized dynamical systems. Both philosophical introspection and social reflection should not be abstract, but be applicable to medical practices. This paper treats the Evidence-Based Medicine(EBM) and the Problem-Based Learning(PBL) as the applicable cases.

explanation and understanding, EBM, PBL, humanistic medicine


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