Philosophical Reflections On Social Systems For the Low Degree of Dispersion

Philosophical Reflections On Social Systems For the Low Degree of Dispersion. The Journal of Korean Philosophical Society No.99(2006), 367-382, in Korean

The Structure of decision making in the social system is classified into the autocratic centered structure and the diverse dispersion structure according to how many more ways of communications the society has got. Furthermore the dispersion society is classified into the low degree of dispersion and the high degree of dispersion. The society of the high degree of dispersion is characterized as twofold: the main structure such like neo-liberalistic societies and developmental societies. I suggest hereby the philosophical possibility of the low degree of dispersion in order to remedy abuses of the autocratic society of high degree of dispersion. The content of philosophical possibility that give emphasis to the realization of social values instead of political measures is a actual policy such like disentangle of economic extremities in Korea to stabilize the people’s livehood. It is a main theme of this article that the egalitarianism policy of low degree of dispersion is a sustain approach to the realization of social values.

low degree of Dispersion, social value, egalitarianism


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