Cognitive Scientific Analysis on Lack of Empathy in Korean Society

There has been super-abuses for the last decade in Korean society. These are ①Four Rivers Project, ②Enforcement of Nuclear Power Plant, ③Booming Household Debt, ④Collapse of the public, and ⑤Sewol Ferry tragedy. I named them “Five Major Social Catastrophes in Korea”, Which is abbreviated as “Five Catastrophes”. The main purpose of this study is to elucidate the social cognitive causes of “Five Catastrophes”. So I will describe that the Five Catastrophes are resulted from separatism, disregarding for life, secrecy, and political deceitfulness, which has been exposed under autocratic Korean authority. Next I will argue that these autocratic phenomena are typical figures of the lack of empathy. I, therefore, demonstrate that the syndrome of Five Catastrophes are deeply related with the symptoms of the lack of empathy. In order to justify my demonstration, neuroscientific microanalysis and macroapproach will be applied. I present the theory of mind(ToM) and mirror-neuron system(MNS) as a neuroscientific analysis and Social Psychologist, Jonathan Haidt’s theory of five foundations of Morality as a social approach. Finally, I suggest a theoretical alternative to extend and share the public empathy in Korean society.
Social Cognitive Science
Five Major Social Catastrophes in Korea, Empathy, Theory of Mind, Foundations of Morality of Haidt, Fairness

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